Kirusanthy Kaneshwaran
Dr. Kaneshwaran completed her MD and MSc in Physiology (Collaborative Program in Neuroscience) at the University of Toronto and BSc (Major in Neuroscience) at McGill University. She is currently an anesthesia resident at the University of Toronto and will be pursuing a PhD as part of the Clinician Investigator Program. She is interested in investigating neuroinflammation and its relation to cognition and her research findings to date demonstrate that inflammatory mechanisms (IL-1B, p38MAPK, TNF-a) mediated by neural ‘support’ cells (microglia and astrocytes) underlie cognitive impairment, in the context of sleep fragmentation and anesthetic exposure. Through her work under the guidance of Drs Beverley A. Orser and Andrew Lim, she has developed skills in electrophysiology techniques (in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp), biochemical assays (Western Blot, PCR) and data analysis using R and MATLAB (of actigraphy, RNA-seq and cognitive testing data). Currently, she is involved in various epidemiological and clinical projects under Drs. Angela Jerath and Marat Slessarev.